The Golden Age of York County Longrifles, 1780-1825
held at Historic Hellam Preserve
May 18-20, 2018
Symposium Schedule:
Friday, May 18, 2018
10:00 am:
Welcome and Introduction by Joseph K. Kindig III
Noted Antiquarian and Co-Author of “Masterpieces of American Longrifles: The Kindig Family Collection”
10:30 am:
“A Mixed Multitude: The Settlement of Southeastern Pennsylvania”
Lisa Minardi, Executive Director, The Speaker’s House, Home of Frederick Muhlenberg
1:30 pm:
“York Powder Horns, the Finest of the Trade”
Arthur J. DeCamp, Author of “Pennsylvania, Horns of the Trade"
2:30 pm:
“The Influences That Affected the York Longrifle”
John Kolar and Patrick Hornberger, Authors and Curators of the award-winning exhibit “The Lancaster Longrifle — The Golden Age of an American Art Form” at the Landis Valley Village and Museum. Hornberger also co-authored “Masterpieces of American Longrifles: The Kindig Family Collection."
Saturday, May 19, 2018
10:00 am:
“Up the Valley, Through the Gap — Following the Migration of the Kentucky Riflesmith”
Mel Stewart Hankla, Founder & CEO of
11:00 am:
“The American Longrifle Culture”
Frank G. House, Noted Restorationist and Contemporary Riflesmith
1:30 pm:
“Local Indians, Guns, and Gunflints"
Dr. Barry Kent, Former State Archaeologist, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, PA
3:00 pm:
Panel Discussion with Speakers
Sunday, May 20, 2018
10:00 am - 3:00 pm:
The Longrifle Exhibit and Historic Hellam buildings will be open for viewing.